Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February RE Committee Meeting

Your RE Committee is hard at work, considering the future and the goals of Religious Education at UUFC.

We first discussed a vision and goals. Preliminarily, these are:

Vision: We are a safe community for independent thought and spiritual exploration with a foundation based on UU principles.

The committee’s goals are:

  •  To ensure that Unitarian Universalist principles are incorporated into the religious education program;
  •  To provide support for the activities of the religious education program;
  • To maintain and ensure communication among members of the committee, teachers, parents, the DRE, the minister, and the Fellowship as a whole;
  • To provide input to the DRE, minister, and/or worship committee regarding multigenerational events and worship experiences which include children and youth.

With that in mind, we can consider more specific, measurable goals for our program. We feel that the program has made terrific strides over the years. The DRE and the RE committee has consistently provided prepared lessons, more easily executed by trained teachers. We have regular multigenerational services, in which the children and youth participate and even plan and execute. We are proud of what we offer. Some goals we would like to accomplish this year:

  • Establish a family ambassador program, in conjunction with the membership committee, so that visitors with children can get consistent information about the RE program.
  • Create awareness of the program (and UUFC) with some targeted marketing. 
  • Grow the program to create a third class for middle schoolers.
We would love your thoughts and input on how we can achieve these goals, as well as your help. If you are interested in seeing a program become successful, ask us how you can get more involved.

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