Sunday, July 5, 2015

Teaching: a Review and Summer RE


Sometimes teaching RE is fantastic, sometimes it can be a little frustrating. Sometimes, as a teacher, you wonder if you are making an impact. And sometimes, you get a lesson that does show that you are actually teaching something to the children.

Elizabeth and Christine had this happen recently. We spent much of June repeating a few favorite lessons, including one about religious symbols. While we discussed each symbol, we talked about some of the stories we told throughout the year. Even we had to go back and look at the stories and review them. Unlike a year ago, almost all of the children knew the symbols. The bonus was that when prompted by some of the story titles, at least one of the children could summarize what that story was about.

While it was a little more of an active and perhaps rowdy class than we night normally conduct, it was thrilling and fun to see the children recall some of the stories and meanings from the past year. One of our newer children was overheard telling her father that it was awesome.

(Are you interested in enrolling your child? If you're already part of the congregation, are you interested in being part of a child's life as a teacher? Contact a member of the RE committee [Michelle, Karen, Sarah, Meg, Rhonda or Christine] or our DRE, Theresa.)

Summer RE

This year, we're trying something a little different. Look for some of our talented members of the congregation to share their craft with the children and youth! We have everything from labyrinths to crochet to basketweaving. Join us!

Here's the schedule:
7/5: Mandala coloring
7/12: Crochet
7/19: Field trip to the Labyrinth at the Episcopal Church in Seneca
7/26: Knitting
8/2: Card making
8/9: Cake and cookie decorating
8:16: Basket making