Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Thankful Month

November is a month of gratitude and we are grateful for all the support for Religious Education from the congregation. Whether you teach, or bring children and youth, help organize events and lessons or even smile and say hello to a child, thank you!

A joint event between UUFC and Peace Church brought out plenty of people to make ornaments. In the four weeks leading up to Christmas, we will celebrate a different part of the world, as well as a different wish for the future. These are:

  • Africa has a drum ornament, and represents Joy
  • Europe has a painted egg ornament and represents Hope
  • Asia has peace cranes and represents Peace
  • The Americas have a ribbon tree ornament and represents Love
All enjoyed making ornaments and sipping hot cider. Look for the trees and ornaments throughout the month of December!

Classes continue to explore various religions through Spirit Play (in the Early Learners) and exploration of food, plays and videos. This fall, we've done everything from Pagan stories to Hinduism to Confucianism to Zoroastrianism, as we've started with the oldest religions.

Make plans to see our movie get together! We will be viewing The Gods Must Be Crazy on December 6, at 3:00 pm. This 1984 sleeper hit follows Xi as he tries to rid his community of an absent-minded gift (a Coke bottle) from the gods that results in dark emotions among his people. Adults, youth and children are all invited for this group gathering.