Friday, December 12, 2014

Theresa: Even Batman has Robin …

Each week, Theresa Pizzuto, our director of RE, ensures that ALL the children of UUFC have a safe and meaningful experience. She’s a superhero, but still, THIS IS NO SMALL FEAT. 
In fact, this requires a small army. A number of UUFC members already assist the RE program by teaching our children each week. The RE committee is busy, too.  We spend our time choosing and designing curriculum, planning special events and service projects, writing blog posts, and oh yeah, we teach, too.

If that wasn’t enough, someone has to coordinate all the people who volunteer. Someone has to manage paid personnel. Someone has to inform the rest of the fellowship about all that we have to offer our children. Theresa’s got that part covered … but there aren’t enough hours in a week to do all the rest!

  • Are you creative? We need help creating activity packets for children. This is easy! Theresa provides you with baskets of supplies, and you simply put supplies in plastic bags!
  • We select stories for “Spirit Play”—the elementary learners’ curriculum. We use 2D and 3D props to tell the stories, and then put them together as kits. Could you laminate pictures and then cut them out? Could you help create these kits?
  • Do you like to organize supplies? Other volunteers have worked to organize our supply room, but thanks to the law of entropy, this is a never-ending task.  We need help keeping things organized in the supply rooms and classrooms.  We sometimes need supply inventory updates.
  • Are you tech-savvy? It would be wonderful if someone could help upload pictures to our photo sharing site. Theresa takes the pictures; you just need to upload them!
  • Do you know how to update the UUFC website? We have taken the time to write new prose for our website, but we need someone to add it to the site, and to identify content that needs refreshing periodically.

THERE ARE SO MANY WAYS TO HELP! You can perform lots of these tasks on your own time. Or better yet, volunteer to meet with Theresa on a regular basis and help with the most pressing tasks!

Send us an email, or talk to us on Sunday!