Tuesday, September 30, 2014

For the DOGS

Mixing the dough
Ten lucky dogs will get handcrafted biscuits from the UUFC children and youth. Last Sunday, 11 youth got together for pizza and baking. A great time was had by all and more than 100 biscuits were baked and bagged for the dog owners to bring home for them next Sunday. We had three teams of 3-4, with the older youth helping the children as they worked together mixing, kneading and rolling dog biscuits. While the biscuits baked, they all helped in making special gift tags.

The goal of the event was for the children to be involved in stewardship for the church. By helping make dog biscuits which members of the congregation buy, they understand they are helping support their spiritual community.

Gathering the finished product
Plus there was pizza!

If you didn't manage to bid on these special treats, we do have a few extra sets leftover which can be purchased at the next Trading Post. We have bags of 10 small biscuits or 3 very large biscuits, which sold at the auction for $5 a bag. Bonus: each bag of biscuits comes with a special drawing from one of the youth. See an RE board member or Theresa for more information or just see us at Trading Post!

1 comment:

  1. I was overjoyed to see this offered again. My dogs enjoy the biscuits and I enjoy the original artwork by the children. Thanks you RE for your contribution to the auction. We love our youth and their teachers.
