Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Growing the program

The RE program believes in teaching the children and youth about stewardship, and our latest fundraisers have been an enormous success.

Our dog biscuit fundraiser for the UUFC auction netted $98.50. We pre-sold $50 worth of biscuits, and the others were sold at Trading Post. Max did a fabulous job of helping us sell those. If you have pictures of your dogs enjoying the biscuits, let us know! We'd love to see them!

Our trick or treat event was also a great fundraiser. We had great fundraisers: King Tut, Rainbow Dash, a renaissance woman, a transformer, several princesses and even Sergio Romero (the Argentinian futbol goalie) helped collect money to buy some plants for the South Carolina Botanical Garden. We hope to buy a few plants in honor of John Turner. We collected $98.72 and Carolyn rounded that up to an even $100.

Thanks for your support of the RE children's fundraising efforts. We are happy that the children and youth can participate in growing the congregation in many ways, including financially supporting the fellowship.

1 comment:

  1. These were great ideas and I'm glad they worked out! Thanks for everyone who helped to organize them.
